We have received numerous requests to extend the abstract submission deadline from people who are facing challenges from the economic lockdown due to COVID-19 and need some additional time. Given these difficult circumstances, we are extending the paper submission deadline to October 16.
We appreciate concerns about participating in IEA2021 due to lockdowns and related restrictions. We remain confident the in-person conference will be well attended, hugely relevant and impactful and we encourage everyone to submit their work to IEA2021. This remains the premier opportunity to share findings and ideas in the HFE/E discipline around the world. Our work is important - let's not let current uncertainties deter us from contributing and participating in the Congress. We are making adjustments to accommodate people who can't join for either financial or pandemic reasons.
We are excited to announce innovative presentation opportunities at IEA2021. Rather than “oral” and “poster” on this call, we use “Lecture” (15-minute slots) and “interactive ePoster” (digital pdf and physical 4'X6' poster at the Congress) emphasizing the virtual elements we are adding to traditional physical posters to enhance opportunities to connect. Lecture and ePoster presentation options contribute equally in terms of scientific quality and value.
We look forward to your submissions!
You are invited to submit a proposal for presentation at the 21st Triennial World Congress of the International Ergonomics Association: IEA 2021 in Vancouver Canada, June 13 to 18, 2021.
This will be the most significant Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E) Event of the Year. We invite participation from researchers and practitioners from around the world.
IEA2021 is an opportunity to hear from the world of HF/E specialists. To ensure a wide variety of voices will be heard, if program space limitations are a concern, each presenting author may be limited to ONE lecture presentation. There is no limit to the number of communications that an author may present by interactive ePoster or may co-author so long as other lectures are presented by a colleague.
Step 1 - Write a proposal of no more than 900 words using the appropriate General or Practitioner proposal template. Text should not reveal author identity to allow for blind review .
General Lecture and ePoster proposal template
Practitioner Lecture and ePoster proposal template
Step 2 – Submit this proposal/text on EasyChair’s IEA2021 platform (at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iea2021#). When you submit, you will need to provide (in separate fields):
Deadline for Paper proposals has been extended to October 16th.
All proposals will be reviewed for:
Presenting author must register for the Congress by the early bird deadline date for inclusion in the Congress program and proceedings.
I am the practitioner. Should my proposal follow the same format as that of colleagues who are researchers?
What are "Lecture" and "ePoster" presentations?
What is the difference between a "Lecture" and an interactive "ePoster" presentation?
Presentation mode:
Physical Location:
Presentation mode:
Physical location:
Virtual location:
Will my preferred presentation format be the one I am assigned?
Why do I need to choose a "Scientific Track" when I submit?
What if none of the Scientific Tracks is a good match for my paper presentation proposal?
Why should I choose "Track Subtopics" when I submit?
Do my chosen Track Subtopics have to be similar to my proposal's Keywords?
Once I've submitted my proposal, what's next?
When is my final text due?
Do I have to write a full article for this Congress?
Will there be opportunities to publish my IEA2021 presentation beyond the congress proceedings?
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